

Crispolti, Enrico, Peter Phillips: Works 1960-1974, Idea e, Milano, Paris, 1997.


Peter is featured in books across the globe. Below are a selected few in alphabetical order by author.

Amaya, Mario, Pop as Art: A Survey of the New Super-Realism, Studio Vista, London, 1965.

Arnason, H.H, A History of Modern Art, Thames & Hudson, London, 1969.

Bowness, Alan, Recent British Painting, Lund Humphires, London, 1968.

Britt, David, Modern Art, Thames & Hudson, London, 2003.

Compton, Michael, Pop Art, Hamlyn, London, 1968.

Crispolti, Enrico, La pop art, Fabbri, Milano, 1966.

Curtis-Seng-gye Tombs – Hunt, Christopher, The Airbrush Book: Art, History, and Technique, Orbis Publishing, London, 1980.

Dienst, Rolf Gunter, Pop Art: Eine Kritische Information, Limes Verlag , Wiesbaden, 1965.

Finch, Christopher, Image as Language – Aspects of British Art 1950-1968. Penguin, London, 1969.

Finch, Christopher, Pop Art: Object and Image, Studio Vista, London, 1967.

Honnef, Klaus, Pop Art, Taschen, Koln, 2004.

Janis, Harriet – Blesh, Rudi, Collage: personalities, concepts, techniques, Chilton Book Co. Philadelphia 1967.

Lippard, Lucy, Pop Art, Thames & Hudson, London, 1966.

Lucie-Smith, Edward, Movements is Art since 1945, Thames & Hudson, London, 1984.

Marchan Fiz, Simon, Del arte objectual al arte de concepto, Editiorial Akal, Madrid, 1988.

Madoff, Steven Henry, Pop Art : A Critical History (Documents of Twentieth-Century Art), University of California Press, Berkley California and London, 1997.

Mellor, David Alan, The Sixties: Britain and France, 1962-1973; The Utopian Years, Wilson, Philip Publishers, Limited, 1997.

Naylor, Colin – Genesis, P-Orridge (Ed), Contemporary Artists, St. James Press, London, 1977.

Osborne, Harold, The Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century Art, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1981.

Osterwold, Tilman, Pop Art, Taschen, Koln, 2003.

Parry-Crooke, Charlotte (Ed), Contemporary British Artists, Bergstrom & Boyle Books, London, 1979.

Phaidon Dictionary of Twentieth Century Art, Phaidon, London, 1973.

Pierre, Jose, Pop Art: An Illustrated Dictionary, Paris, 1975.

Pierre, Jose, Pop Art. Painters-Sculptures, Fernand Hazan, Paris, 1971.

Read, Herbert, Historia de la pintura moderna, Ediciones del Serbal, Barcelona, 1988.

Robertson, Bryan – Russell, John – Snowdon, Lord, Private View, Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd, London, 1965.

Russell, John – Gablik, Suzi, Pop Art Redefined, Thames and Hudson, London, 1970.

Saville, Peter, Designed by Peter Saville, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2005.

Schneckenburger, Fricke, Ruhrberg and Honnef, ART of the 20th Century, Taschen, Koln, 2000.

Seago, Alex, Burning the Box of Beautiful Things: Ark Magazine and the Development of a Postmodern Sensibility at the Royal College of Art, 1950-1962, Oxford University Press, USA, 1995.

Stangos, Nikos, Conceptos de arte moderno, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1986.

Stiles, Kristine and Selz, Peter, Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art : A Sourcebook of Artists’ Writings, University of California Press, Berkley California and London, 1996.

Stephens, Chris and Stout, Katherine, Art and the Sixties: This Was Tomorrow, Tate Publishing 2004.

The Tate Gallery 1968-1976, Tate Gallery, London, 1970.

The Tate Gallery 1974-1976, Illustrated Catalogue of Acquisitions, Tate Gallery, London, 1978.

Catalogue of the Print Collection, Tate Gallery, London, 1980.

Thomas, Karin, Hasta Hoy: Estilos de las artes plasticas en el siglo XX, Ediciones de Serbal, Barcelona, 1988.

AA.VV., Historia del Arte, vol. 10, Editorial Salvat, Barcelona, 1970.

Vergo, Peter, Twentieth-Century American Painting: The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, Wilson, Philip Publishers, Limited 1988.

Wilson, Simon, Pop, London, 1974.


Peter Phillips, introduction by Christopher Finch, Galerie Bischofberger, Zurich, 1967
(reprinted by Finch, Image is language).

Pneumatics, portfolio of screenprints, introduction by hristopher Finch, Bichofberger Gallery, Zurich, 1968.

Peter Phillips, introduction by Enrico Crispolti, Studio d’Arte Condotti, Roma, 1969-
Galleria Milano, Milano, 1971.

Peter Phillips, introduction by Roberto Sanesi, Galleria Vinciana, Milano, 1971.

Peter Phillips, by Klaus Honne and Christopher Finch, Westfalischer Kunstverein, Munster, 1972.

Peter Phillips: Drawings, Gouaches, Collages 1962-1974, with text from Christopher Finch, (translated from Galerie B ischofberger , Zurich, 1967), Plura, Milano, 1974.

Peter Phillips’ Print, with text from the artist, Tate Gallery, London, 1976.

RetroVISION: Peter Phillips, Painting 1960-1982, introduction by John McEwen, text by Marco Livingstone, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 1982.

Peter Phillips, introduction by Maria Jose Corominas Madurell, Galeria Barcelona, Barcelona, 1989.

Peter Phillips, introduction by Martine Arnault, Galeria Punto, Valencia, 1990.

Peter Phillips, introduction by Maria Jose Corominas Madurell, Sala Pelaires, Palma, 1991.

Peter Phillips, introduction by F. Vicente Galdon, Galeria Afinsa-Almirante, Madrid, 1992.

Peter Phillips, text by Maria Jose Corominas Madurell, Jose Ramon Alcala and Pablo Rico Lacasa,
Fundacio Pilar i Joan Miro, Palma, 1996.

Peter Phillips 1962-1997, text by Maria Lluisa Borras and Marco Livingstone, Casal Solleric, Palma, 1997.

Peter Phillips. Freedom of Choices, text by John McEwen, Thomas Gibson Fine Art, London, 1998.

Peter Phillips. Private Collection. Obra grafica 1965-2000, text by Gabriel Amer and Marco Livingsone, Cen tre de Cultura Sa Nostra, Palma, 2000.

Peter Phillips, text by Walter Guadagnini, Galleria Civica, Modena, 2002.


Image in progress, text by Peter Phillips and Jasia Reichardt, Grabowski Gallery, London, 1962.

New Realists, text by John Ashbery, Pierre Restany, Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, 1962.

The New Generation: 1964, text by Peter Phillips, Bryan Robertson and David Thompson, Whitechapel Gallery, London, 1964.

Primary Structures, Jewish Museum, New York.

Information, text by Peter F. Althews, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, 1969.

Pop Art, introduction by John Russell and Suzi Gablik, Hayward Gallery, London, 1969.

Pop Art in England: Beginning of a New Figuration 1947-63, text by Uwe Schneede and Frank Whitford Kunstverein, Hamburg, 1976.

1977 Hayward Annual, Hayward Gallery, Londra, 1977.

Pop Art USA-UK: American and British Artists of the 60′s in the 80′s, text by Lawrence Alloway and Marco Livingstone, Odakyu Grand Gallery, Tokyo, 1987.

The Pop Art Show, by Marco Livingstone, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1991.

Pop Art US/UK Connections 1956-1966, text by Jim Edwards, David Brauer, Christopher Finch, Houston Museum of Contemporary Art, The Menil Collection, Houston, 2001.

Les Annees Pop, by Mark Francis, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 2001.


Pop Goes the Easel, directed by Ken Russell with Peter Blake, Derek Boshier,
Pauline Boty, and Peter Phillips, BBC, aired on March 25th, 1962.